Seifen | Jislaine

Natural cosmetics soaps

11 products

Solid and liquid soaps from our range of natural cosmetics

Natural cosmetics soaps

Natural cosmetics soaps from

All Jislaine soaps are pure natural cosmetics . In this category you will find our popular Aleppo soap , black cumin soap and olive oil soap...

Buy Natural cosmetics soaps

11 products
Aleppo-Seife aus Syrien - Jislaine
Aleppo-Seife - Jislaine BIO
Aleppo Soap
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
9 Rezensionen
Schwarzkümmelöl-Seife - Jislaine
Schwarzkümmelöl-Seife - Jislaine
Black cumin oil soap
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
7 Rezensionen
Olivenölseife pur von Jislaine
Olivenölseife Jislaine Ren olivenolie sæbe original og traditionelt produceret i Syrien
Olive oil soap
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
4 Rezensionen
Aleppo-Seife mit roter Tonerde - Jislaine
Aleppo-Seife mit roter Tonerde - Jislaine
Aleppo soap with red clay
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
1 Rezension
Aleppo-Seife an der Kordel - Jislaine
Aleppo-Seife an der Kordel - Jislaine
Aleppo soap on a cord
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
2 Rezensionen
Aleppo-Seife aus Syrien
AleppoSeife von Jislaine
Aleppo Soap
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
9 Rezensionen
Aleppo-Seife aus Syrien - Jislaine Aleppo Sæbe original og traditionel fra Syrien
Aleppo-Seife - Jislaine Seife kommt aus Syrien
Aleppo Soap
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
9 Rezensionen